Scott is posting this blog for me as I am currently in the hospital along with our new son. The hospital doesn’t have internet access, so Scott made a trip to Starbucks to do these posts.
(Associate editor's note: I tried to post this from Starbucks, but the greedy corporate mega-conglomerates of T-Mobile and Starbucks wanted me to pay for Internet Acess.) I’d love to go on and on about our new son, but I have to keep this short. Please see
Scott’s blog for a more detailed account of the labor and delivery process. Nicholas Robert arrived at 1:31pm weighing in at 8 pounds 3 ounces and measuring 20 inches. Nicky is quite cute, if I do say so myself! Surprisingly, he has dark hair, but I did too when I was born and it fell out and turned blonde when I was 8 months old so we’ll see if he keeps his! My labor went just as I had hoped and I was able to go medication free the whole way. I’ll post more details about the labor when I get home on Saturday. For now, please enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:
Oh, what a gorgeous little man! :) I can't wait to meet him and give him a little squeeze!! Enjoy his littleness while you can...the weeks go by so fast. Congrats on a smooth labor and delivery - how wonderful! :)
Love you guys- Rob, Trish, & Olivia
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