My brother-in-law requested 40 week belly pictures today, and I am having a good hair day, so I thought I would oblige. I don't know what you all think but honestly, I think Gizmo and my belly are still growing while I am actually getting smaller in some other places. Who knows. I guess that can happen in late pregnancy. My weight has stayed the same for the last 2 weekly doctor appointments. In other events, though nothing happened with Gizmo today, I had a good day anyway. I slept in, then ran errands, and had a really good supper with Scott. This afternoon I went to Sears and picked up a lawnmower bag for Scott, went to JCPenney and picked up some white wood blinds for Gizmo's room (the last ones I got did not fit), and went to the post office. Then, this evening, Scott & I went to a Thai restaurant and had a really great meal. I had been craving Thai food, and supposedly, spicy food can bring on contractions. No luck there; Gizmo likes spicy food. So, a good day, and Gizmo is still content.

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