Ok, I'm a big copy cat and all the cool kids are doing it (blogging), so here I go. Actually, I was hoping to make it easier to communicate with my friends and family near and far.
Scott went back to work today. I hope he got enough sleep to make it through the day... But, Nicky and I did pretty well together, I think. He sure stayed awake and alert a lot today, so I hope that means he will sleep a bunch tonight. A girl can dream. Last night he did his usual "Its 4am but I think its the middle of the day" routine and got daddy to get up and play with him at 5am. Scott figured he might as well get up since he was going to get up in an hour anyway. This way he could get to work early. Nicky and I took a nap from 7-9:30am which helped me catch up on sleep. Then, when he slept again over noon hour, I actually got to eat lunch and take a shower! Now I just need to get all this laundry done... Well, at least I have it sorted into piles already. I revel in small accomplishments.
That's about it. Enjoy a few photos:
Well, I should have written this yesterday when Nicky was officially one week old, but we had a busy day yesterday. First, we had our first outing since Nicky was born as Mommy had her one week check-up at the doctor's office. Everything went well, and I have to go back in 5 weeks for my 6 week post-partum check-up. Nicky slept through the whole trip in his carseat.
Nicky has his first pediatrician visit on Monday. Nicky seems to be healthy but he has had a few normal newborn problems for the last few days. First, his eye gunk, which I have termed eye boogies, has gotten a bit out of control. This causes his poor little eyelids to get stuck together until we open them with a warm washcloth. This occurs because newborns don't have tears yet and their tear ducts can become clogged like Nicky's did. The nurse who works with his pediatrician instructed us on how to massage his tear ducts to clear them out. They seem to already be getting better and his eyes are no longer glued shut when he wakes up. Thank goodness because it was really making me feel like a bad mommy! Nicky has also been quite gassy and burpy for the last few nights which makes him very uncomfortable and fussy. Scott & I have not figured out the trick of how to best burp him or otherwise prevent this problem. We have used Mylicon gas drops today and I think it has helped. He has slept much better, but we will see how tonight goes. Since he still has his days and nights turned around, he has more trouble getting back to sleep during the early morning hours of 1am-7am. The only things that seem to help are walking and bouncing him, and even this can take awhile to calm or put him to sleep. We are thinking that his little digestive system might not be fully mature yet, and we are hoping that this is just a stage that will soon be over.
Overall, though Nicky is a pretty calm, happy baby. He does not cry unless he truly needs something, and he really doesn't cry loudly unless his needs are being ignored. He is becoming more alert and spends his awake time staring at Mom and Dad or random things around him. He melted my heart today when he held his head back and stared into my eyes with a content look on his face while I rocked him this afternoon. It was truly a bonding moment. I can't wait for more of those.
We are also eagerly anticipating visits from our family in the coming weeks. My mom, dad, and brothers will be coming on Sunday for about a week. Then, Scott's parents and brother and sister-in-law as well as my great friend Tiffanni Wax and her husband, Scott, will arrive for Nicky's baptism the week after that.
I could go on and on, but Nicky is hungry and needs to be fed.
Tonight Scott & I put up some white wood blinds in Gizmo's room. As I stated before, the blinds I previously bought were too deep - they were 2" blinds and the window could only accomodate 1" blinds. I had to order these so it took a bit to get them in. Now, there is privacy in Gizmo's room. However, there are still no curtains because Scott keeps procrastinating (just like Gizmo) on putting up the curtain rod. I bought that thing like 2 months ago. Oh well, its not "vital" so it can wait, and wait... Maybe we'll get it done tomorrow night. Its really not that big of a deal, but still, I find it amusing!
Also, due to my amazing reading and analytical skills (I'm making fun of myself here), I finally figured out that the mower bag we had was, in fact, the wrong model after going through the owner's manual with a fine-toothed comb and finding the model number of the bag that would work. The one we need is not available right now on sears.com, and the one we had bought was only off by 2 model number digits. I did call the Parts department for Sears, and they were able to order one for us. It will arrive next week, hopefully after Gizmo arrives!