Last night Scott took a look at the broken washer while I googled some info. on what might be wrong with it. If you read my previous post, you know that it suddenly would not drain or spin. There were a few options, none of which we were really qualified to diagnose or fix. So, this morning I called a repairman. I made a good choice and called a family-owned local business with a very nice repairman who was the grandson of the original founder. The washer had a broken lid switch. Since the washer won't drain or spin when it thinks the lid is open, it was stuck in the middle of the cycle. So $100 later, our washer works again! Yeh (the fixed part, not the money part)!!
Please learn from our situation - if your washer is on a very uneven surface and is highly out of balance, this could happen to you. The cement pad our washer sits on was torn up right before we moved into our house by workers who were installing some metal foundation braces on the walls of our basement. Instead of truly fixing the cement pad, they just threw a sheet of plywood over it - not really a stable nor level surface for a washer. This likely caused or at least contributed to our broken lid switch. So, there you have it. Thank goodness we will have a washer for when Gizmo arrives!
Lorum Ipsum 3
3 months ago
1 comment:
I'm so glad your washer is fixed! I don't know what we'd do without our washer and dryer...little Livi can poop on things with the best of 'em! :)
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