On my end, things are going pretty well. I can't believe I only have 3 weeks left til my due date as of tomorrow! My sleep in variable. Some nights are good, some aren't. There are always multiple trips to the bathroom. But my energy is decent, and I still feel good. I still can't believe that my stomach projects as much as it does when I look at my profile (see pic below), but as my lactation consultant commented, I am all uterus. Other mothers tell me I look great and can't believe I am in my 9th month. During our visit to the local barbershop for Scott's haircut on Saturday, his hairdresser couldn't believe I was even pregnant - so I stood up and showed that I was very noticably so! I guess its not so bad to be able to cover it up a bit when sitting and placing my purse in my lap to obscure the belly view:) Scott & I are both getting excited and anxious for Gizmo's arrival. It won't be long now!
36 weeks - Front View
36 weeks - Side View

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