Gosh, I am suddenly surrounded by a bunch of new babies. A friend of mine, (who is actually a former co-worker of Scott's) Megan, and her husband Jared welcomed their baby daughter Avery Grace on Tuesday evening. Welcome Avery!! Nicky and I went to visit them in the hospital (and none too soon since they will be discharged sometime this afternoon)and she is a cutey-pie! She was 7lbs. 1 oz. at birth and a long 20.75 inches. She looks like her dad but will likely be tall like her mom. And she has a gorgeous head full of blond hair. Oh, I forgot to take pictures again:( Why do I always forget?! The baby must have been too mesmerizing for me:)
Babies are great, but since I have already started getting questions about when we're gonna have another, I will put that question to rest for all of you. We aren't planning (unless somehow God has other plans for us) to start trying until early next year so the kiddos would be about 3 years apart. I think I might have to convince Scott that even next year won't be too soon - he is fully aware of how much work kiddos involve and is not opposed to an only child. I know a lot of wonderful only children but I want more babies!! Eventually that is (I am in no hurry). So, help me work on Scott, everyone, will ya?! Maybe if we work together, he will be sufficiently beaten down by next January. LOL. Then our (my) original plan can go on and we can have another little fall baby.
Lorum Ipsum 3
3 months ago
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