I am typing this entry with one hand as Nicky is sleeping in my other arm. I am cutting the kid a break because he is recovering from his first set of 4 vaccinations yesterday and his fever just broke.
To continue my New Year's update started in my last entry, I can sum it up by saying that I'm actually getting out of the house and seeing adult faces on a much more consistent basis now. On the 3rd, I had my 6 week post partum check-up which really ended up being at 8 weeks because my midwife was out of the office over the holidays. Everything checked out fine. I weighed in at only 5 pounds over what I weighed at my initial prenatal visit back when I was 8 weeks pregnant. However, I think I had gained a few pounds during those first weeks of pregnancy (or right before:) so I am thinking that I need to lose about 10 pounds. How did I lose 30 pounds in 2 months - the New Mommy Diet which consists of breastfeeding, skipping breakfast, hurriedly shoveling down a bare-bones lunch when your child will let you, and shoving in as many calories at supper and after because you are starving and likely won't get a chance to eat again until the next afternoon. I don't recommend it. It really isn't good for your metabolism long term because your body thinks you are starving (you basically are) so it slows down your metabolism to help you survive. Now that I am getting into more of a routine with Nicky and can fit in breakfast and lunch better, I am trying not too eat too much and put the weight back on. I also need to cut out all the ice cream I became accustomed to while pregnant... There is no ice cream in the house right now, but that's because we ate it all:( I really need to start exercising more consistently, too. I have gone on a few stroller walks and did some extended errand trips but I have yet to pop in my pilates DVD like I promised myself at the beginning of the year. My other New Years resolution was to start a journal which I did. I am not setting the unrealistic expectation for myself of writing in it every night though, because that just wouldn't happen. I do look forward to having a record of my most private thoughts from my first full year of motherhood. This blog was a good first step toward getting myself to chronicle my thoughts and feelings, but there are things even I won't put out there on the web for the whole world to read!
I am also getting to share Nicky with a whole bunch of people as of late. We went to lunch with Scott and some of his old work colleagues from the Budget office right before New Years. Then, on the 2nd, Nicky and I went to see my friend Jill from grad school. She is currently on internship in San Francisco but was back in town. After our visit with her, we went over to the KU Medical Center and Nicky was able to meet a bunch of my former supervisors over there. Finally, this past Monday, Nicky and I finally made the trip to Topeka to visit everyone from my internship back at FSGC. I had originally planned on going in December but it just didn't work out. Our trip was fun and I was able to see a whole ton of people including my previous supervisors, and Nicky even showed off his smile for a few people before he went back to sleep. On our way back to KC, we stopped in Lawrence and visited with the Rack-Meltons. Their daughter, Cordelia, was born just 5 days after Nicky so it was nice to finally meet her as well. Cordy was 2 pounds lighter than Nicky at birth (but she came early while Nicky arrived late), and she is gaining her weight at a healthy rate just like Nicky. However, she is still 2 pounds lighter than him so it was neat to see what a normal weight infant girl of this age looks like compared to my chub of a baby. She is a cutey! It was also fun to play with their other children, Spencer and Xavier. They are some of my favorite people in the world. Nicky still has a bunch of people left to meet around here, and even more to meet back in North Dakota. But, we are now better up to the task, so if you are around KC and wondering where we disappeared to the last 2 months and if you will ever get to meet this child, please call or email me and we'll arrange a visit or meet-up. I will try to call or email all you, too! For you all back in ND, we will be coming up the beginning of June for my friend Jessica Gunderson's wedding reception. Can't wait!
Lorum Ipsum 3
3 months ago
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