Hi Everyone!
So, this blog has been a long time in the making. I first considered the idea of doing my own blog when my great friend, Lyle Snyder, started his to compile a record of his internship as part of his third year of Lutheran Seminary (Lyle Snyder's Blog). I thought his was a great idea, and I, too, wanted to keep a written memory of my internship. Well, I started my year-long internship (code for "first real full-time job in psychology") on August 1, 2005. It only took me nine of those 12 months to finally put my ideas to fruition! What can I say, its been an extremely busy year filled with lots of commuting (78 miles from my home in KC to my internship in Topeka, KS), 10 hour work days, and lots of learning! Finally, some added motivation came in February when Scott & I found out that I was expecting our first child, due Oct. 24th, 2006. If internship wasn't enough to get me going on this blog, then surely communicating my baby and pregnancy news with my pepes would do it, right? Well, another 3 months later (hey, I had to get through my first trimester!), here it is : Lesley's Life Log. What can I say, I'm a procrastinator. Hope you like the aliteration (L.L.L.). I've grown accustomed to them since my maiden name initials were L.L. Anyway, so here you now will find news of both my last internship months and any current baby news along with other tidbits and thoughts from my life. I know some of you think blogs are lame, trendy, or just overdone and you're probably right. But I'm a practical girl - these things are great ways of communicating with your circle of confidants without bombarding their inboxes with group emails (I'm not giving up emails, though - I know there is still a place for personal communications). The other great thing is that people can come to you: you can visit it anytime you want to; you can reply to whatever posts your heart desires; if you hate the blog thing, then you don't have to visit it ever again! This post would not be complete without my acknowledging my husband, Scott's, blog - his is much funnier and I'm sure more entertaining than mine! Yes, I copied his blogspot address (scottinkc.blogspot.com - Scott's Blog) I thought it would make our blogs easy to remember for everyone. Scott also recently started working on a family website which will include a page for me, Scott, and the baby so check that out (Lesley and Scott's webpage). It is a work in progress. Okay, so my introduction is complete. I hope you enjoy the blog!
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