Some people have referred to infants like this as "high-needs" or as I labeled my post, "intense." In fact, Dr. Sears has described high-needs babies in 12 ways:
- Intense - talked about this already
- Hyperactive - this just a description; it doesn't mean the kid is going to end up having ADHD. Nicky is very active. He loves trying to stand and likes to kick his legs all the time.
- Draining- all of the holding, patting, bouncing, walking, entertaining, burping, etc.
- Feeds Frequently- because it helps them settle and soothe them and can help them work out air bubbles as well
- Demanding - he knows what he wants and lets you know it to
- Awakens Frequently - I'll talk more about this later on
- Unsatisfied - just when you think he's having fun doing something, he changes his mind
- Unpredictable - see above; the plan is always changing
- Super Sensitive - he freaks out at the smallest things - sometimes Scott and I can't even figure out what the original trigger was for it
- Can't Put Baby Down - my arms are tired
- Not a Self-Soother - he isn't good at finding a way to help himself feel better or fall asleep. He tries to suck on his hand or fingers or your fingers or just about anything else but he can't get it to work to his liking and that makes him mad!
- Separation Sensitive - so far Nicky likes most people and goes quite readily to them, but we'll see what happens when he get him babysitters
If you have not yourself had a high-needs baby or known one very well, I think it is very hard to relate to what I am saying. These babies are not terrors. They are still very lovable. In fact, Nicky is so expressive and emotive and that helps us bond. Also, I feel like he is helping me become a good parent with lots of different skills because I am always on my feet with him, trying new things, and maybe more tuned in to him than I would have been if his temperament had been a more mellow one. I have to be patient, loving, and attentive. I do think that his gastrointestinal problems have contributed to his upset at times, but believe me, his personality is firey whether or not his tummy is cooperating or not. I believe its a combination of temperament with development (or lack thereof) that set this up. Some experts have called it the "fourth trimester syndrome" meaning that babies are used to conditions in the womb and their bodies, especially their nervous system, are not yet developed enough to handle all the stimulation their receive in the outside world once they are born. So, they become overstimulated. They are calmed by things that remind them of the womb like swaddling, motion, white noise, shushing noise, and heart beat sounds. Also, some references have said that high-needs babies are often quite precocious, outgoing little toddlers and children who like to be the first to do things. In fact, here are some words used to describe high-needs babies as they move from infancy to toddlerhood to childhood and then adulthood:
Infant: alert, intense, draining, demanding, cries impressively, loud, inconsolable, super sensitive, high-touch
Toddler-Child: busy, high-strung, exhausting, spunky, energetic, stubborn, impatient, strong-willed, interesting, tantrum-prone, tender
Teen-Adult: enthusiastic, deep, passionate, resourceful, opinionated, determined, insightful, compassionate, sociable, empathetic, caring, affectionate
I guess I better anticipate having a spunky toddler who will need consistent structure and rules to help contain his energy and will:) I think I am up for the challenge, at least I hope I am!
For now, Scott & I have become experts at tricks to calm Nicky and his tummy. For anyone who has a similar baby, or is expecting a child soon, I recommend reading the book or watching the DVD "The Happiest Baby on the Block" by Dr. Harvey Karp. He denotes 5 strategies called the 5 S's to calm babies by recreating a womb environment. They are:
- Swaddling -many babies are done with swaddling by 3 months but Nicky still needs it - he wakes himself because he hits himself with his hands when he startles in his sleep. I wish I had known about the Miracle Blanket when he was born. We just got it and it is the only swaddling blanket that works, in my opinion. It actually holds the baby's arms in place and it has enough fabric to wrap around the baby snugly a few times so he/she won't break out of it plus no Velcro or snaps that might irritate baby or wake them up when you use them.
- Stomach/Side position - for holding the baby, not for sleeping
- Shhhh- making the shhhh sound really loud in Nicky's ear can bring him out of a screaming fit and calm him right down
- Swinging - Nicky likes being rocked in a person's arms as well as his swing, although I wish he had a swing that went from side to side and not just back and forth. He likes the side to side motion better and the back and forth sometimes initiates his startle reflex.
- Sucking - on the breast, bottle or pacifier. Nicky loves to suck. And I am giving him back his pacifier as soon as the new ones I ordered show up in the mail. The model I found is more like the breast nipple so hopefully it won't interfere with breastfeeding anymore. Problem was I couldn't find them around here. Thank goodness for
Nicky is getting more sleep at night these days - because of swaddling which we had given up on for awhile but went back to out of desperation. The little Houdini always breaks out of it but for the last few weeks it has usually given us 4-6 hours of sleep for the first stretch of the night which we appreciate. We're hopeful that the Miracle blanket will help keep that consistent because when Nicky breaks out of the swaddle, he wakes up. If he breaks out of it early in the night, we are screwed! Only sad thing is that the Miracle blanket is one-size-fits-all but is really only made for the first 4 months. Our little chub doesn't even fit in the foot pocket, so when we just use the arm wraps and leave his feet out, it looks like a straight jacket! Oh well, he sleeps and that keeps him happy. Now we just need to work on getting his naps on a more regular schedule and taking them outside of Mommy's arms. Dude, I'm tired! Pray for me please. It might be an exhausting few years, but hopefully I will be up to the challenge. If you have a high-needs child, please email me or comment and we will commiserate.
I appreciate your link to the Miracle Blanket -- an investment we might make depending on the disposition of Max who will be joining us soon :)
I can relate to your experiences of an intense, spirited child. Miles didn't have the GI problems, which I'm sure intensifies things. But he required a lot of work in the sense that we had to carry him around in an upright position so he could see, not simply hold him. He even hated the Baby Bjorn until he was old enough to be facing out, after which time he loved it but then soon grew too big for it. He really seemed to want the visual stimulation, and as he grew and became more mobile, the more content he became because he didn't have to rely on us to move him around. Also, we had to be very structured about teaching him to sleep because he didn't want to miss anything and was stubborn about "letting go." We used to marvel at the couples in restaurants enjoying their meal while their baby slept peacefully in the carseat b/c Miles would not do that - I ate so many meals standing up/walking around with him. We used some of the Ferber techniques around 4 months, when we were assured that he was getting all the nutrition he needed during day/evening (he was bottlefed, so easy to quantify). Life became much easier when we mastered sleeping through the night, and Miles is thankfully still a good sleeper, but it was definitely an acquired skill that took diligence during his infancy.
Hang in there!
I can relate! I have a 2.5 year old daughter who is very intense and spirited. She had an extremely difficult time sleeping on her own as an infant (waking up whenever we tried to put her down) and she's still not sleeping through the night. She co-slept until seven months and it took several more months of "sleep training" until she'd sleep in a crib for more than a few hours at a time. I read almost every book on sleep, tried lots of methods, and the only thing that really worked for us was time. It's been a long road, but we are surviving and things do get better. We're now trying to work through power struggles and tantrums of a very persistent, strong-willed, outgoing, highly intelligent toddler. What I've found is that discipline books and advice geared towards the average kid do not work for us. So far the best resource I've found is Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. It's comforting in knowing that the writer understands what you're going through, and is able to offer a lot of applicable advice. If I could go back and do it all over again, I'd make a bigger effort to find more parents in our community with spirited children, because it can be lonely. I also would've taken more time out for myself when she was an infant (although looking back, I don't know if she would've allowed it!) :-) Anyway, I think being a parent of a spirited child is a blessing. You might have to work harder and stretch yourself more, but it strengthens you as a person. And sprited kids usually grow up to be sparkling adults! Take care.
I am a mother of 3 beautiful children, and it seems that our middle child (a boy) is very "spirited". I too am reading that wonderful book called "Raising your Spirited Child", what a great book. I do however think it should have my son's picture and name on the front cover, lol. We are going to see a pediatric team of doctor's at our local children's hospital about him. We are stuck, we need help with him...we also think there are underlying allergies and perhaps other issues with him. He is 3 1/2 and loves pacifiers, he would have 30 if I would let him I am sure. He won't give it up, and he seems to be starting to have dental issues because of them. I know I am not alone with having a spirited child, but it still feels lonely.
Thank you so much for posting about it on your blog :)! Hope things work out for you, and if you haven't already read that book I mentioned above I recommend it :).
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